
5 Best Tools to Automate Business Processes

Building a sense of cohesive, effective workflow is not always easy — especially when you’re doing it on your own. There are numerous facets to this difficulty, including initiating activities, timing events and triggered tasks, and even the transfer of information from task to task, event to event, all throughout a process. Business processes require this significant level of attention — and it needs to be consistent, to boot.

That’s why it’s best to automate workflows in various industries, and that’s why there are many tools to help with that need. However, looking through the various offerings out there means finding the best possible platforms for business process automation. Thankfully, you don’t have to look far — read on to learn more about the platforms that are best for workflow automation.

Kissflow Workflow

This cloud-based platform is incredibly user-friendly, with its emphasis on providing an approach that requires little to no coding for said automation — making it easier than ever to have people step in to automate their departmental tasks as needed, rather than forcing those needs onto the technical support that would otherwise be handling such an undertaking. In fact, the technical knowledge usually needed in BPMN 2.0 is also unnecessary in Kissflow, whose own intuitive visual interface helps even those without BPM experience to create, manage, and optimize their business processes. Drag-and-drop elements and the use of Zapier integration makes this platform one of the easier choices for anyone looking to start automating right away. With reports, analytics, and access control settings to help you build expectations with your team about workflow automations that can prove essential for their respective jobs.


Of the various types of workflow automation software that exist, Camunda is one of those that provides end-to-end orchestration (including task automation) that is both developer-friendly and has an open architecture for ultimate customizability and the best platform for digital enterprises of various types. Their focus on industry standards for business-IT collaboration (such as the common languages of DMN and BPMN, or regulations regarding data governance) makes them all the more attractive for enterprise-wide automation.

This is especially true because workflow automation with Camunda is easily scalable with that same open architecture, allowing more diverse, complex technology stacks or even common, uncomplicated environments available on-premise as well as in the cloud — greatly reducing cost, increasing your business’s efficiency, and digitize your enterprise even further as it becomes a way to modernize legacy systems that have become roadblocks to agile execution.


Another platform light on coding is Nintex, whose Workflow Cloud platform empowers the digitization of forms, documentation, and workflows of various types. Their focus on “clicks not code” and their emphasis on digitizing the manual labor and paperwork that exists for every business makes them a strong choice for anyone looking into a process automation platform that offers more: visual process mapping, robotic process automation, digital forms, flexible drag-and-drop integration, and other such features make it easier to update and continuously improve your workflow. With deep integration capabilities and an ability to work in cloud, on-premise, or hybrid environments, Nintex connects your work wherever it is based to create a workflow that’s capable of fully extending into various other platforms as needed.


The powerful cloud-based BPM & Workflow tools from Flokzu allows you to build or change your workflow in mere hours, or even minutes, rather than the usual days- or weeks-long construction period that numerous businesses have to deal with when creating, managing and optimizing their processes. And since many businesses have much more than just a single workflow, Flokzu takes this into account by accommodating and automating multiple workflows altogether. Bringing manual workflows into the cloud environment, this tool is also a boon for organization, quality of performance, and even your company’s competitive edge, all thanks to the autonomy and the collaborative workspace provided.


Digital process orchestration from Processmaker not only helps your business by automating tasks — it also eliminates data silos and many types of bottlenecks while providing holistic visibility of your business process. This means that you not only can see what’s happening in real-time, but you can track progress on the activity within your process to ensure that you’re giving your clientele the highest level of quality in the service or product you provide. Additionally, you can rapidly deploy workflows straight from the diagram builder to make an excellent and well-planned process — and to improve or implement workflows more quickly than ever before.


The thing you have to consider most when looking into automation is how it affects your business. While some platforms out there offer business process automation, only certain software, like those above, have features that make their products stand out: from those that provide low-code solutions to those that offer an open architecture for customization, there’s not a lot of room for confusion when it comes to what tools are the best for businesses of any kind.

Trying to build an automated workflow doesn’t have to be hard work when you have something like these tools — and you have to remember that each one is designed to meet the needs of certain businesses, whether it’s with developer-friendly technology stacks or a simpler way to make your process paperless. Whatever your needs, it’s highly likely that you’ll find the perfect tool to meet them in the list above.

Yuvraj kore

Welcome to our blog! My name is Yuvraj Kore, and I am a blogger who has been exploring the world of blogging since 2017. It all started back in 2014 when I attended a digital marketing program at college and learned about the intriguing world of blogging. As I started to learn more about blogging, I realized that this platform has immense potential to share ideas, experiences, and knowledge with the world. The more I dived into it, the more passionate I became about blogging. My passion for blogging was fueled by the mentorship and guidance of Akshay Sir from Goa, who was instrumental in teaching me the ropes of this exciting world. Under his guidance, I honed my blogging skills and gained valuable experience, which I am happy to share with my readers.

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